Sherlock, In His Own Words
Posted by Melina and Denise , Friday, September 13, 2013 5:06 PM
In His Own Words, Sherlock in the Valley
Well, I guess my Mamas are talking about relocating to the country. Pip pip. I have always wanted a country estate. Might I play polo? I must have country pursuits, and I certainly shall not hunt. I will need to order new stationary.
There are so many decisions to make, oh my.
Sherlock's Mama asks, "Sherly, how will you spend your days when you live in the country?"
"Oh, Mama. I shall write letters."
Ummm, is that all?
"I suspect I also will watch the birdies and make odd crying/spitting noises."
Is that entirely appropriate, Sherlock?
"Well, I am a cat. I cannot be something I am not."
But you are always trying to be a proper British gentleman, not a cat.
"Mama, what are you saying? I will not sit here and be insulted!"
Sherlock? Sherly, come back!
-Melina :D