2013, You Sucked Rotten Eggs

Posted by Melina and Denise , Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:55 AM

We all have ups and downs. Good times, bad times, blah blah blah. Well, trust me when I say that 2013 was firmly ensconced in the 'low' category. Death, taxes, insurance debacles leading to abject poverty. You name it, we probably dealt with it. But here's the thing - I would like to think about the bright spots that made the year tolerable.

So here goes.

My novel! I finished and went through the editing process and it was amazing. I learned as much as I had hoped and then some. I got publishing advice and finally came to the decision that self-publishing is the direction I want to go. It will be hard, but I know it is the right thing for me.

And the other thing that came out of the editing process and my discussion of it with those around me is that I learned exactly how much support I have for the project. When you are doing something creative you become accustomed to people thinking you are a bit of a flake. I was amazed with the outpouring of support I received when people realized I was serious! Amazed and incredibly grateful.

The shop was also a bright spot this year. Our sales more than doubled! We have so many fantastic things planned and are excited beyond words for the year to come. Melina has become such a wonderful sewer (is that a word?) that the sky is the limit when it comes to ideas. Trust me, things are about to be shaken up.

Finally, the best thing that happened this year. When you hit bottom you find out who the people are that have your back, and we are surrounded by an AMAZING group of family and friends. Someday we hope to be able to repay them for everything they have done for us. And we will. I know it!

2014, you sexy bitch. You will be our year!

~ Denise

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